The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

i a THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1952. are one son, Willie Rogers of Route 1, Wilson; two brothers, A. B. and J.

E. Bennett of Route 1, Stantonsburg; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. MRS. W. H.

EARP. WENDELL-Mrs. W. H. Earp, died at Mary Elizabeth Hospital Friday morning at 4:30 o'clock after lingering illness.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Iva Douglas of the home, Mrs. Roy Nowell of Wendell and Mrs. Fred Hood of Zebulon; three sons, Pou Earp of Wendell, William Earp Raleigh and Johnny Rudolph Earp, who is with the U. S.

Air Force in England; one sister, Mrs. Sara Honeycutt; one brother, J. L. (Dock) Medlin, both of Wendell. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

SIM STONE. FAIRMONT. Following an illness of several weeks, Sim Stone, 57, died Thursday night at his home in McDonalds. Funeral rites will be conducted at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon by the Rev. A.

Anderson of Rowland in Stephens land Prevatte Funeral will Home be at in Fairmont. Interment Floyd Memorial Park, Fairmont. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Minnie F. Stone; two daughters, two sons, one sister, one brother and a niece who lived in the Stone home.

ROBERT LEE BUFFALO. ROANOKE RAPIDS Robert Lee Buffalo, 60, died in a local hospital Friday morning after a short illn Funeral ervices will be held Williams Funeral Home Saturday at 4:30 p. m. The Rev. Marshall Milton will conduct the rites.

Buria' will be in Cedarwood Cemetery. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Ben Cullom and Mrs. J. R.

Wirtz of Roanoke ids, and Mrs. Raymond Luck of Indianapol, Ind. WILLIAM J. CARR. MAGNOLIA William J.

Carr, 26, died at his home Friday at a. following a long illness. Funeral services will be conducted at the graveside Sunday at 3:30 p. in Rockfish cemetery at Wallace by the Rev. James A.

Nisbet. Sur viving are his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.

the home; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Piner of Willard. MRS. SENA HAMILTON.

Hamilton, MOREHEAD 82, died CITY. Mrs. Sena at the home her brother in Sea Level. Funeral services will be Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Primitive Baptist Church by Elder Ransom Gurganus and Elder Eddie Humphrey.

Interment will follow in the Styron cemetery. She is survived by one brother, Allen Hamilton, and tour stepchildren. MRS. SADIE A. RICE.

cemetery. WARREN G. BEACHUM. NEW BERN-Mrs. Sadie Agent Rice, 67, widow of Lewis R.

Rice, died at o'clock Thursday night St. Luke's Hospital. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Bertha Gautier; brother, John Agent, both of New Bern. Funeral services held Friday afternoon.

The were, C. Griffin, Free Will Baptist minister, officiated. Interment was in Cedar Grove Funeral services for Warren G. Beachum will be held at the Church of God in Washington Saturday at 4:30 p.m., conducted by the Rev. Carl Morris.

Interment will be in the Griffin cemetery in Martin County. Rocky Mount Man Killed In Crash ROCKY MOUNT, July 25-Second Lt. Lycurgus McCoy Mitchell, 23, son of Mrs. Mary Cherry Mitchell of 507 Edgecombe Rocky Mount, and L. M.

Mitchell of Valpariaso, was killed Wednesday when the AT-33 jet training plane which he was flying crashed in Las Vegas, Nev. Arrangements for the funeral are incomplete. Lt. Mitchell was born in Rocky Mount, but his family moved from here while he was still an infant. He was graduated from Kempsville High School in Virginia, and the University of Virginia.

He had been in the Air Force about one year. He received his flight training from Williams Air Force Base, Chandler, Ariz. He was graduated on June 21, and was married on the same day to Mary Wilene Smith of Dundee, Fla. Survivors include his wife, who was in Nevada at the time of his death; his parents; his grandmother, Mrs. Wiley R.

Cherry of 507 Edgecombe Rocky Mount; several aunts and uncles; one sister, Rebecca Cherry Mitchell, who is a student Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, Fla. Woman's Probation Is Ordered Revoked Assistant City Court Judge J. E. Pearson yesterday revoked the probation of Mrs. Hazel Robbins.

31, formerly of the 100 block of North Person Street, and ordered her to serve a six-month prison term imposed by Judge Albert Doub on February 16, 1951. Mrs. Robbins and Ineva Perry of Raleigh were convicted on charges of larceny and receiving. The two women, who were employed as baby-sitters, suspected of having stolen a case of canned milk and to have sold it to buy wine. Both defendants were sentenced to six months in Women's Prison, but their sentences were suspended on payment of court costs.

They were placed on probation for a period of two years. Mrs. Lucille S. Poole, State probation officer, who accompanied the defendant to court yesterday. said Mrs.

Robbins had violated her probation in two particularsby failing to report to probation authorities in Raleigh and the District of Columbia and by changing her residence without permission. Mrs. Perry broke her probation sometime ago, according to Mrs. Poole, and now is serving her sen- Chapel Hill Scene Of Church Rites Maurice A. Kidder Ordained to Clergy In Episcopal Church Ceremony CHAPEL HILL, July 25-Mau-, rice A.

Kidder, James A. Gray lecturer in religion at the University of North Carolina, was ordained to the clergy of the Episcopal Church this morning in ceremonies held in the Chapel of the Cross. The Right Rev. Edwin A. Penick, bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, officiated.

The Rev. David W. Yates, rector of the Chapel of the Cross, presented Mr. Kidder for ordination and the ordination sermon was delivered by the Rev. George, R.

Paul's Metcalf, Church, assistant St. Paul, recMinn. The Rev. Mr. Metcalf was a fellow chaplain with Mr.

Kidder in World War II. The Rev. L. Bartine Sherman, Episcopal student chaplain, read the Epistle, and the Litany was read by the Rev. Ralph Kimball, Statesville, secretary of the Diocese of North Carolina.

newly organized Episcopal clergyman has been lay leader in charge of the Mission Church of the Holy. Family since it was organized in Chapel Hill last January. He now becomes minister in charge and will become full-time pastor in September. that time, it is hoped that the congregation will be able to move into its new building on land donated by the Chapel of the Cross across the highway from the Glen Lennox apartment development on the Raleigh Road. The Rev.

Mr. Kidder, who was a chaplain with the 29th Infantry Division during World War 11, saw I action in Europe from D-Day until the end of the war in that theater. He has been a member of the University's Department Religion since 1949. He received his A.B. degree from New Hampshire, his S.T.B.

from Boston and his S.T.M. from Yale. Heis a candidate for his Ph.D. Duke University. Following the ordination service, members of the Chapel of the Cross were hosts at a luncheon for out of town guests and members of the Church of the Holy Family.

Emil Rieve Plans Parley In Harnett DUNN, July 25-Emil Rieve of New York, president of the Textile Workers Union of America (CIO) will come to Dunn Saturday afternoon for a conference with CIO leaders of the Erwin Mill chain from Erwin, Durham and Cooleemee Announcement of the national president's visit was made here this morning by Scott Hoyman of Erwin, administrator, who is now directing CIO activities at Erwin. This will be Rieve's first visit to Dunn and Erwin since a group of CIO members bolted several weeks ago. Hoyman said Rieve would discuss with the union leaders the progress made on negotiations now underway and on plans for the election to be held later this summer. Area Chairman. WILSON, July 25-S.

D. Lovelace, Chairman here for has Wilson been County named Area was announced this week by Fred H. Deaton, president of the North Carolina Automobile Dealers Association. Deaton said that Lovelace as Area Chairman, will by key representative, of the dealer State associ- and lations and will serve as liaison between dealers inthis county, and the dealer association Raleigh and Washington. He will head the annual NCADA and NADA membership campaign this fall.

THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME By JIMMY HATLO Deaths and Funerals GEORGE A. SMITH. Funeral A. 5 Smith, Mrs. services, George.

Schwartz of Raleigh, will be held from Brown's Funeral Home Chapel here Saturday morning, at 11 o'clock. Dr. Howard Powell, pastor of Edenton Street Methodist Church, will officiate and burial will follow in Montlawn. Members of Hiram Lodge No. 40, of which Mr.

Smith was a member, will conduct Masonic rites at the graveside. Mr. Smith, 80, died Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M.

Johnson, in Los Angeles, Calif. He was a native of Maxton and had lived in Raleigh several years before moving to Los Angeles to make his home. Surviving, in addition to Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs. Johnson, are two other daughters, Mrs.

Fred Purnell of Norwood, and Mrs. Burkett Purnell of Jacksonville, and two sons, George A. Smith, of Nashville, and Carroll Smith of Raleigh. J. PURKENSON.

Funeral services for J. W. Purkenson, 51, of 809 New Bern Avenue. will be held at Overby Funeral Home Chapel at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The Rev.

Broaddus Jones, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiate. Burial will be in Montlawn. Mr. Purkenson, who operated a grocery store in the 900 block of East Edenton Street. died Thursday night at his home of a heart attack.

He was a member of the First Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Mattie Morgan of Spring Hope: a son, J. W. Purkenson, of the home: a sister, Mrs. L.

E. Vick of Newport News, three brothers, Glorthas. Edward and Harry, a all of Spring Hope. Pallbearers will be Marvin Daughtry, Marvin Ford, James Wilson, John Holder, Warren and R. J.

Wyatt, Jr. BOBBY LASSITER. Funeral services for Bobby Lassiter, 18-year-old son of Capt. Roy C. Lassiter of the Raleigh Fire Department and Mrs.

Lassiter, were held yesterday from Tabernacle Baptist Church. J. A. Ellis, pastor, officiated, and burial followed in Montlawn. Pallbearers were members of the high school football team.

A star athlete at Needham Broughton High School, young Lassiter, 18, died Thursday of injuries received in a fall at State Hospital where he was employed as a construction worker during the summer months. He was a rising senior at Needham Broughton. Surviving are his parents, and a brother, Albert Lassiter, of the home. COL. ADAM C.

DAVIS. Col. Adam Clarke Davis. 93, father of Mrs. William G.

Mordecai of Raleigh, died at his home in Goldsboro at 12:30 o'clock this morning after a brief illness. He was a resident of Goldsboro and had practiced law there for a number of years. Col. Davis was a graduate of Randolph-Macon and for a time headed the Davis Military School at LaGrange and Winston-Salem. He was the oldest member of the Masonic order in Goldsboro.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Neff Davis of Goldsboro, and his daughter, Mrs. Mordecai. who lives North Bloodworth and also eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held at Goldsboro at a time to be announced.

ROBERT L. HAWKS. Robert Lewis Hawks, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T.

T. Hawks, of 609 North East Street, died at early Friday. Surviving are home, parents; a 'brother, Charles (Pete) Hawks of the home; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

T. Hawks, of Norlina; and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.

Dalton, also of Norlina. Funeral will be held Saturday 11 o'clock from services, the home, and burial will follow in Norlina. The Rev. Charles Hubbard pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, will officiate, and pallbearers will be Danny Smith, Wilbert Smith, David Perkinson, Dee Draffin, Klink Kempson and Ivey Brooks. DR.


A. Martin, 85, prominent retired Baptist minister, died Baptist Hospital ir Salem Thursday night, following an extended illness, 1 the last few days being critical. He was born in Mt. Airy, a son of William S. Martin and Sarah Ann Aaron Martin, and had been in the ministry for the past 52 years.

He was a graduate of Wake Forest College and the Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Among the pastorates served by Dr. Martin were the First Baptist Church in Wilmington, First Baptist Church in Concord, First Baptist Church in Marion, First Baptist Church in Landrum, S. First Baptist Church in Waynesville and the First Baptist Church in Rutherfordton. New churches were built Thomasville, Landrum and Concord, while he was their pastor.

His last work was in Eastern North Carolina, where he did Baptist missionary work. While serving the First Baptist Church in Thomasville. also served as the pastor at Mills Home Church. Dr. Martin retired in 1946 and moved to Thomasville to make his home.

He was a Mason, a Shriner and member of the Concord Lodge of the Junior Order. He was active in the First Baptist Church in Thomasville, where he held membership at time of his death. In 1905, he was married to Huetokah Marshbanks of Mars Hill, who survives. Other survivors include one daughter. Mrs.

Glenn Mann of the home, one son. Graham A. Martin of American Embassy in France: brothers, Wesley Martin West Virginia and Robert Martin Butte, Montana; and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be ducted from the First Baptist Church Saturday at 4 p.m. by pastor, the Rev.

Charles F. Leek: Dr. Ralph Herring, pastor of First Baptist Church in Winston-Salem; and the Rev. Mack Summey, tor of Carolina Avenue Baptist Church in Thomasville. Interment will bee in the family plot in Holly Hills Cemetery.


Mann Simpson, 39, wife of Joseph Simpson, in Taylor Hospital, Washington, N. Friday afternoon after five months of illness. Funeral services will be held' at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Vanceboro at 3 p. Sunday.

Burial will be in the Vanceboro cemetery. The Rev. Alex C. D. Noe of Bath, the Rev.

Sidney Matthews of Washington, N. and the Rev. Fred T. E. Ferris of the Vanceboro church will conduct the rites.

The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to the funeral. Mrs. Simpson was born and reared in Swanquarter, daughter of the late George E. and Bessie Mann Gibbs. She was a graduate of East Carolina College and had taught school in Vanceboro for several years.

She was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Surviving are her husband; two of the daughters, home; Kay and Joan Simpson and two sisters, Mrs. Eugene F. Elizabeth Murrow of Swanquarter and Gibbs of Alexandria, Va.

PRIMROSE A. BYRD. DUNN-Primrose A. Byrd, 30, of Dunn, Route 5, died at his home of a heart attack at 8:15 Thursday. Funeral services will p.m.

be held Saturday at 3 p.m. from Lee's Chapel. The body will lie in state from 2 until 3 p.m. The services are to be conducted by Dr. W.

H. Carter of Goldsboro, assisted by the Rev. C. H. Coats of Smithfield.

Burial will be in the Williford cemetery. Mr. Byrd was the son of Charles Alien Byrd and Minerva Register. Mr. Byrd was a painter and farmer by occupation.

He was a native of Virginia, but spent most of his life in North Carolina. He is survived by his parents; his wife. Mrs. Lila Lee Byrd; two sons, P. A.

and William Howard Byrd, both of the home; two daughters, Janet Rose and Wilma Mae, both of the home; two brothers, Granville C. Byrd of Dunn, and Cleo C. Byrd 'of Roseboro; two halfbrothers, Wilcie Lee Register, and Eugene Register of Roseboro; three sisters, Mrs. W. H.

Carter and Mrs. Harold K. Thomas, both of Goldsboro, and Mrs. Odell Jernigan of Route 5, Dunn. JAMES BRITTON SNELL.

COLUMBIA Funeral rites for James Britton Snell, 90, who died at his home at Columbia Thursday night, will be conducted at the Columbia Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. W. E. Pope, the Rev. J.

W. Alford and the Rev. Earl R. Meekins. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.

The body will lie in state at the church two hours prior to the funeral. Mr. Snell was a native of Tyrrell County, the son of Acie B. and Dorcas Davenport Snell, a retired carpenter and cabinet maker, husband of Mrs. Sue Hopkins Snell, a member of Sound Side Missionary Baptist Church, and a member of the Junior Order.

Surviving are four sons, C. W. Snell of Columbia, Herman of Portsmouth, J. Leslie of Norfolk, and Linwood H. Snell of Raleigh; five daughters, Mrs.

Martha E. Walker, Mrs. S. E. Rhodes, Mrs.

W. M. Laughinghouse and Mrs. Lena Johnson of Columbia, and Mrs. Birdie S.

Thurston of Whiteville: 27 grandchildren and great-g dren. MRS. LIZZIE PUGH HARRIS. CAMDEN Funeral rites for Mrs. Lizzie Pugh Harris, 56, who died Thursda: night her home in a ling illness, will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Toxey, Berry and Lynch Funeral Home by the Rev.

Paul F. Burke, pastor of Sawyer's Creek Baptist Church. Burial will be in the new Hollywood Cemetery. Mrs. Harris was a native of Camden County, the daughter John N.

and Betty Burgess Pugh, the wife, of Hearsey Harris, and a member of Sawyer's Creek Baptist Church. Surviving besides her husband are one son, R. Carlton Harris of Elizabeth City; two sisters, Mrs. Will Shiloh and Mrs. Dora Evans of Norfolk; five brothers, Linwood B.

Pugh of Norfolk, Kohn B. of Hickory, Logan of Grandy, Wilbur Ferebee Pugh of Shloh; and one granddaughter. MRS. JESSIE M. JONES.

ma Luper, all of Rockingham. MRS. AMELIA D. BULLOCK. WILMINGTON Mrs.

Jessie Matthews Jones, 70, died Thursday night in James Walker Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Funeral services will be held Saturday p. m. from Coble Funeral Home by the Rev. L.

O. Henry. Burial will be in Bellevue Cemetery. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Annie Piner of Wilmington, Mrs.

Virginia Watson of Kannapolis, and Mrs. Hazel Vanderberg of Baltimore, two sons, M. H. and James I. Matthews both of Wilmington; one sister, Mrs.

Jennie Patterson of Kannapolis; her stepmother, Mrs. Annie Mask of Rockingham; a halfbrother, Oscar Biggs of Rockingham; three halfsisters, Mrs. Gillis, Mrs. Fannie Mask and Mrs. Thel- AUTRYVILLE Mrs.

Amelia Davis Bullock, 66, died at her home near Autryville Friday morning. Funeral services will be held at Concord Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The Rev. Roger Jackson and the Rev. Dennis T.

Wright will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Surviving are two stepsons, Thomas Bullock of Salemburg and John C. Bullock of Linwood. five stepdaughters.

Mrs. Eulie Nunnery and Mrs. Nellie Stewart of Autryville, Mrs. Rosie Hair of Boothyn, Mrs. W.

J. John of Salemburg and Mrs. Harvey Horn of Erwin; two brothers, J. 0. and C.

S. Davis of Autryville; two sisters, Mrs. George Horne of Greensboro and Daisy Davis of Autryville. She had been member of Concord Church for almost 50 years. THE REV.

BASCOME KING. STAR-The Rev. Bascome King, 58, died Friday morning at his home at Steeds after a long illness. Surviving are his wife, the former Vellie Cole; eight sons, Elvin of Seagrove, Rochie of Asheboro, Pfc. Grady, with the army in Germany, Leonard of Winston-Salem, and Ervin, Reece, Lamon and Don King of the home; five daughters, Mrs.

Virginia Shelton of Steeds, Mrs. Ida Auman of Seagroves, Gatha, Doris a and Mollie King of the home; two brothers, six sisters and nine granchildren. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Asbury Baptist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to the services. THOMAS M. BARKER. ELIZABETH CITY--Thomas M. Barker, died Thursday night at the home of his son, W.

A. Barker, 418 Parsonage Street, after a long illness. He was a native of Jackson County and lived in Danville, until three weeks ago when he came to Elizabeth City to live with his son, following the death of his wife, Mrs. Lula Barker. Mr.

Barker was the son of John and Mary Cabe Barker and member of the Independent Boptist Church in Danville. Surviving are one W. A. Barker of Elizabeth City; several grandchildren and a number of greatgrandchildren. Funeral rites will be held Saturday afternoon in Danville and burial will be in the Schoolfield cemetery.

MRS. MAUD M. GIBSON. Gibson, late W. N.

GibRED SPRINGS Maud M. Thursday afternoon. neral services will be held at the Trinity Methodist Church of Red Springs Saturday at 5 p. conducted by her pastor, the Rev. L.

M. Hal', interment will be in the Alloway cemetery. She was the daughter Frances Muse Marsh and Daniel Henry Marsh. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Warren C.

McNeill of Red Springs, Mrs. Sam Snead of Myrtle Beach, S. two sons, Gordon Gibson and W. N. Gibson, both of Red Springs; three sisters, Mrs.

T. G. Frasier, Mrs. W. J.

Johnson and Elma Marsh, all of Greensboro. MRS. BEULAH EDENS. FAYETTEVILLE- Mrs. Beulah Benton Edens, 40, died Thursday night at the station hospital, Fort Benning, after a long illness.

She was born in Dillon, S. November 17, 1911. She had resided in Fayetteville until about a year ago. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles E.

Preble, of Columbus, two sisters, Mrs. David G. Surles of Fayetteville and Mrs. P. R.

Bible of Chattanooga, one brother, Gary A. Edens of Washington, D. C. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Jernigan Funeral Home. Burial will be Lafayette Memorial Park.

MISS MAGGIE HEARNE. MONCURE Maggie Hearne, 63, of Apex, Route 2, died in Duke Hopsital Friday morning. She had made her home with her brother-in-law, R. Jasper Medlin. Surviving are three nieces whom she reared, Mrs.

Lena Hammock, of Pittsboro, Clara Medlin of the home and Mrs. Dannie Sauls of New Hill, Route one sister, Mrs. S. C. Johnson of Apex, Route 2.

Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 p. m. at Ebenezer Methodist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will be taken church at 2 p.

m. The Rev. John Cline of Bynum and the Rev. Charles T. Gray of New Hill will officiate.

LEWIS F. BRINSON. NEW BERN Lewis Franklin Brinson, 74, of Oriental, died at 5:45 Friday at his home. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sudie Dowty Brinson; two daughters, Nancy Mae Brinson of Wilson and Mrs.

Carol Cowell of Bayboro; two sons, Dara Annapolis, and Lewis, of Daytona Beach, two sisters, Mrs. John K. Clark of Elizabethtown and Mrs. Archie Fordham of Kinston; two brothers, Leo of Arapahoe and Owall of Florence. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday at the Bethany Christian Church in Arapahoe, with the Rev.

J. M. Waters officiating. Interment wiN be in Rawls Cemetery. MRS.

NELLIE HURST. WASHINGTON, N. services for Mrs. Nellie Hurst, sister of Mrs. Guy C.

Harding of this city, who died early Thursday morning hospital, in will a be Long held in Island, New N. York City Saturday at 2 p.m. The body will be brought to Washington, N. Sunday for burial. Graveside services will be held Sunday at 4 p.m.

in Oakdale Cemetery, conducted by the Rev. W. T. Waterhouse. J.

B. RAWLS, JR. ROCKINGHAM Funeral services for J. B. Rawls, 32, local business man, who died almost instantly Thursday afternoon when he came in contact with an electrically charged fence while fighting a grass blaze, will be held at the First Methodist Church Sunday at 4 p.m.

Burial will be in Eastside Cemetery. Mr. Rawls, son J. B. and Annie Adams Rawls, is survived by his wife, the former Grace Snead; his parents; two brothers and one sister, William Rawls and Anna Ruth Rawls of Rockingham, and Harry Lee Rawls in the Air Force at Savannah, Ga.

MRS. APPIE ANN ROGERS. WILSON Mrs. Appie Ann Rogers, 78, of Route 4, Wilson, died her home Friday at 1:50 p. m.

Funeral- services will be held Saturday at 4 p. m. from the Saratoga Free Will Baptist Church, conducted by the Rev. R. W.

Alman, assisted by the Rev. L. B. Manning of Fountain. Burial will be in the Stantonsburg cemetery.


Inc. WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED. Man Convicted In Sex Case WILSON. July 25 Alfred Goodman, 51-year-old truck line operator, from Recorders Florida, Court con- this morning of molesting a nine-yearold Wilson girl in municipal swimming pool last Saturday night. The truck driver was charged with assaulting the small girl by in the water.

feeling of her body while she was 3 The girl was caim and collected when she testified at the trial. She positively identified Goodman as the man who "dived in the water and came up beside me and asked me if I wanted to play with him" she said. After telling that she didn't want to play with him, 1, the girl said Goodman felt of her body. She said she was scared went to the little end of the pool, left the pool and called her mother. The mother testified en she got to the pool after the telephone call, she found her daughter in tears.

Later the child told her mother about the incident. exactly what Goodman she testified at the apprehended trial. by was police when the girl's brother told policeman at the pool that his sister had gone home in tears. The policeman went to the child's home and brought her and her father to the pool where Goodman was arrested. The police had had a call earher in the evening that a man tried to get two small girls into his automobile.

A report later to police headquarters indicated that the car involved was at the swim ring pool. It was here Goodman was arrested. Six character witnesses from Raleigh and Wilson on testified as to Goodman's good character and devotion to his family. Wiley L. Lane, judge of the city court, sentenced Goodman to two years on roads, suspended on condition the defendant not VIOlate any of the moral laws of this State and see a psychiatrist for examination and possible treatment within 30 days and placed the defendant on probation for five years.

Goodman was defended by, Rabil, Walter J. and George Wilson attorneys, and Cyrus Lee was acting solicitor for the State. Kinston Air Stop Suspended WASHINGTON, July 25 The Civil Aeronautics Board today authorized the following charges in service for Piedmont Aviation, Inc Winston-Salem, N. 1. A temporary suspension of service at Kinston, N.

on Route 87 until airport facilities are available there. 2. Permission to omit night time stops at Beckley, Va. and to limit daily round trip flights into Beckley to four. Piedmont has had to make stops at Beckley on all flights over the segment.

3. Permission to serve This Princeton. Bluefield, W. Va. been eliminated from Piedmont's route in an earlier preceding on the board's that no federal funds had allocated for buildfinding, ing the airport and that local air service could not be expected there in the near future.

The board it since has been informed that $150,000 in federal funds have been allocated for the project and have been matched by the sponsor, and that the Goverrment and the local sponsor have allocated an additional $100.000 each for the construction of the landing strip. The Board also raled that Pied Convention Sidelights CONVENTION HALL, July 25 -Well, the Democrats proved at least on first ballot for President, today. They proved that you can't hurry a Democrat. It took them four times as long to disagree on their presidential candidate as it did for the Republicans to name Gen. Dwight D.

Eisenhower. The Republicans needed only an hour to get enough votes to make Fisenhower their candidate. By contrast, the Democrats began voting at 12 2 p.m., EST, and they didn't wind up until 4:13 p.m. It seemed longer. Almost every large state, and a lot of small ones, wanted an individua And as the delegates were called upon, they all too willingly responded with a speech as well as a vote Gov.

Okey Patteson of West Virginia had it pretty well sized up. to "I suppose somebody wanted be seen on television." he said. Make that somebody everybody and you've made a sale, senator. As Maine goes, so goes the nation, the political proverb says, none too accurately. Well, here's the way Maine went on the first ballot: Harriman Kefauver Russell Stevenson Oscar Ewing 1.

That's pretty well the way the Democratic part of the nation was going on the first ballot-namely, in every direction. To Emo. "razier, reading clerk of the U. S. Senate, fell the job of calling the names of the states.

His deep, unemotional voice- -he could take all the drama out of Lincoln's Gettysburg Addresswas a decided contrast to the polit ical passion of many of the delegates. But Frazier probably won't get many votes from delegate Gilbert Larsen of Rexburg, a Stevenson man. First Frazier thought Larsen wasn't a bona fide delegate at all Then he got the idea his name was Joseph Larsen. "Gilbert Larsen," said Gilbert Larsen. "I beg your pardon." said Frazier.

And then he said: "Larsen Gilbert, half vote for Stevenson." Larsen or Larsen Gil bert, Stevenson still got his half vote. For the record, the first voteit was only a half vote-was cast by James Allen of Gadsden, Ala. Alabama asked for a delegate by-delegate count, and Allen led the list. His half vote went to Russell. Tribute Paid to Truman CHICAGO, July 25 31st Democratic convention paid formal tribute to President Truman today by adopting a resolution pledging carry on "his lant fight for all the The resolution, approved by unanimous voice vote, praised Mr.

Truman for "seven critical years. years of wise. fearless and fight for peace and progress stronghearted leadership a in the America and the whole free world." National Democratic Chairman Frank E. McKinney presented the resolution to the convention in behalf of the party even as Mr. Truman was preparing to fly here to, Editor Dies In Gastonia Hugh A.

Query Edited Gastonia Gazette 28 Years Before '47 Retirement GASTONIA, July 25 (P--Hugh A. Query, for 28 years editor of The Gastonia Gazette until his retirement in 947, died at his home early today. lle had suffered a heart attack about a month ago, been in critical condition last and, hade week after a mere severe attack. He was 63. Query came to Gastonia after his discharge from the Army after World War I.

He bought an interest in the Gazette and immediately started publishing it daily. He sold his interest to the present owners in 1947 and retired. A graduate of Davidson College, he taught school in Salisbury, Belmont and Greensboro before his war service. He also served as president of the Davidson Athletic Association. The funeral will be held at the First Presbyterain Church, of which he was an elder, at 4 p.

m. tomorrow. Survivors include his wife, a stepson two stepdaughters, two sisters and a number of nieces and nephews. mort's authority ty seg. met from N.

to New Bern N. C. by way of Moretend only year inste.d of head shale Beaufort, through 1957, 35 granted last Beef did not become important in the American diet until after the Civil War, says the National May. Geographic Society. INTRODUCTORY SALE! Stopat Introductory Sale! Stopette and the new Finesse Shampoo new BOTH FOR ONLY $175 Fee save $.75 Finesse does something WONDERFUL SPRAY DEODORANT with On.

Jules Montenion's now SHAMPOO FLOWING Each Regularly $1.25 Now both only $175 New Colloidal Action Formula works with Nature like a magnet. Concentrated! Less than a spoonful does it -with Finessel With Finesse, you lather once, rinse once. Easiest, quickest shampoo you've ever used -in a new "accordion fold" squeeze bottle. Here's Finesse Flowing Cream Shampoo, a completely new hair-cleansing, vitalizing formula that helps Nature banish dry hair and the limpness that comes from alkaline soaps and detergents. See how quickly Finesse gives your hair the wonderful, lustrous look Nature meant it to have.

Get Finesse with Stopette Spray Deodorant in this get-acquainted money-saving offer. Street Floor Eastern Carolina's Largest Store introduce the party's new nominee and deliver a political "pep" talk the resolution said: "We the representatives of the Democratic Party tender to Harry S. Truman our sincere respect, our deep affection, and our warmest wishes for a long life blessed by the peace and prosperi ty which Te has striven to achieve for all Americans. "The Democratic Party pledges its determination carry on President Truman's gallant fight for all the people and we shall count on Harry S. Truman to lerd his integrity, his humanity and his great fighting spirit to the counsels of the Democratic Party in years ahead." A.

The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.